"Working together to end homelessness"

Emmaus is an international charity with a mandate to fight poverty and injustice in all its forms.

Monday 29 June 2015

Sunny Monday, well for some!

The sun was out this morning as I headed to work, the air was fresh and I thought what a perfect day.

Then the most amazing thing happened, one of our rabbits licked me, yes that's what I said, "licked me". I had never considered a rabbit licking a person before, cats, dogs yes, but rabbits? I wasn't just amazed but filled with joy at this little random act. It just made me smile, so the day got even better.

At the moment the day is still a perfect day, well on the odd occasions I get to go outside, I love it when Monday mornings start like this, it just helps to make me optimistic for the week ahead. So why am I telling you all this? I suffer from depression, and S.A.D - Seasonal Affective Disorder - And for the past couple of weeks I have been battling - what seems like every day - just to get out of bed in the morning, let alone dealing with work, people and the world in general.

I am a long term sufferer and receive treatment to cope with my condition, generally I manage well and it doesn't get the better of me. Not so the last couple of weeks, the "black cloud" had settled on me and wasn't going away, when that's the case there is no answer other than just get my head down and grind on, no that's not true there really is no grinding on, its just head down.

The one thing that does help at these times is I have been there enough times now to know that the cloud will lift, it will disperse and turn back into vapour I never know how long that will take or how bad I will get before it drifts off but I do know that it will. And when it does a day like today will come along and the brightness of the sun, a light summers breeze and the gentle touch of a rabbit will remind me just why its good to be alive.

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