"Working together to end homelessness"

Emmaus is an international charity with a mandate to fight poverty and injustice in all its forms.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Why, Why, Why?

Why is it that it seems so much easier to pull someone down than lift them up?

They say it takes less muscles to smile than frown, but it take even less to do neither.

So it is with our words, it should take less effort to say nothing than to put someone down or lift them up. So how comes we seem to spend so much time tearing people apart at every opportunity? I became aware over the last week just how many conversations that go on around me seem to be about someone's imperfections.

I too am guilty of this, far to many times I find myself falling into this pattern of behavior. So if its easier to say nothing then its not about if its harder to lift someone up or not, there must be another motivator involved. Where does our motivation for anything come from? Our mind? Our heart? Our soul? wherever it comes from it comes from inside of us, so if we are more motivated to pull people down than lift them up what does that say about us?

When we listen to the media and then think what a terrible world we live in, or what an evil person that is do we then look at ourselves and think what can i do to make a difference, or do we just continue to tear others apart and point a finger?

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