"Working together to end homelessness"

Emmaus is an international charity with a mandate to fight poverty and injustice in all its forms.

Monday 10 August 2015

The Perals of Facebook - Social Media

Funny things happen on Facebook, or should I say sad things really.

I got de-friended by someone at the weekend, due to me using bad language when referring to an article they posted. The funny/sad thing is the article was a good intentioned but extremely miss judged and not a very well thought out viewpoint that I whole heartedly disagreed with and found offensive.

The bad language referred  to was taken in full from the article. Said person while having a very angry attack at me admitted they hadn't read the article. And seemed to take my comment as directed at them and them alone. After their little rant they blocked me so I had no chance to address the comments made.

As I have thought  about this situation a number of things occur to me. - I'm not going to get personal about the other person involved, or my relationship to them, but just the wider issues of social media, and in particular Facebook.-

How careful we need to be when posting someone else article or re-posting peoples posts. Have we read and understood the article or post fully? Is it a position we can wholeheartedly stand behind? Do we want to be associated with that point of view? Are we posting language we don't want others to post?

In this instant world we live how much time do we take to consider a subject, to think for ourselves as opposed to just repeating what someone else has said. Social media for all its good, - in my case being able to keep touch with friends up and down the country - has the ability to be extremely destructive too.

So how do I conclude this post, with a warning to us all, lets enjoy Facebook for all its good but please, be careful.

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