"Working together to end homelessness"

Emmaus is an international charity with a mandate to fight poverty and injustice in all its forms.

Monday 21 September 2015

Albert Einstein Said, “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” But is this really true?

I don't have many hero's or even people that I look up to, but Einstein is one that I do.

 I find the more I read about him the more he inspires me and a surprising amount of what he says I agree with. But I don't agree with the above statement.

As someone that works with technology and social media as my full time job I get to see the good the bad and the indifferent. Of course this wasn't the tech that Einstein was talking about, but similar references are made on a regular basis about mobile devices and social media.

We all come at technology from different directions and largely base our options on our personal experiences. Mine are for the most positive, technology allows me to keep in touch with friends I would have long lost touch with. My career has involved technology at every step, my creative side gets its outlet through technology just to name three areas of my life and there are more that I could add.

Do I engage with human beings less because of this? The simple answer is no.

Do I care less for people because of technology? Again, no.

Do I care less about the bigger issues of life and the world, guess what, no.

In fact technology has allowed me to increase in the above mentioned areas. It has given me access and the ability to contribute to social care and political activity. It has allowed me to consider questions and opinions it a way I would never have been able to in the past. This in turn has made me a better person.

So in this little part of the world, from this one individual Sorry Albert I don't agree with you.


  1. Really interesting article! Thanks for this well written and thought-provoking piece. I agree that there are plenty of ways that technology makes people more sociable, not less so. I think English people have become more 'chatty' since having mobile phones.

    1. Thanks for the positive comments Laura, I hope you continue to enjoy the blog.
