"Working together to end homelessness"

Emmaus is an international charity with a mandate to fight poverty and injustice in all its forms.

Monday 1 February 2016

Getting going again, but for some it never stopped.

After an extended Christmas break I have found the start of the new year difficult. Its seems like I have been wading through treacle and not got moving.

There are definitely a couple of personal reasons for this, but something else seemed to have been going on too.

Then today comes, February! What the....!? Who stole January? All the treacle has gone and the year has started. Can you believe it? February!

As I was thinking about this this morning, the stop, start, stop, not start, and then the realisation that it had started, I read an article online about the sudden deaths of three drug users, suspected to be because of a bad batch of heroin. This got me to thinking about how good my life really is.

I am in a life situation where I was able to build up to Christmas, then wined down for the holidays, then build up to the start of a new working year. I had time to sit back and reflect. - maybe a little too much.- Time to take stock of the past year and plan for the next years ups, and inevitable downs. I had time to breath.

The first thing that hit me when reading about these deaths was some people never have time to come up for air, never have time to breath or relax and reflect. I'm not just talking about drug users or the homeless and I'm not talking about people in far of lands or refugee camps.

I'm talking about our neighbors that just cant get a break, who have to work two jobs, who's children are struggling at school, who are drowning in debt, who have to fight just to get out of bed, who have the death of a child to deal with, who cant put the heating on because of the cost, who just cant find anything in their lives to give it meaning, who's closes friend is the shop keeper and who wont see another human being for the next 3 days. Just to mention a few.

Life can be relentless for some people, I suppose in all my self reflection I just wanted to take a moment and stop and look out instead of in, and maybe just acknowledge the struggle of others, and in doing so maybe, just maybe, begrudgingly through my self pity admit my life could be a whole lot worse than it is.

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