"Working together to end homelessness"

Emmaus is an international charity with a mandate to fight poverty and injustice in all its forms.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Chicken! AGAIN!!!

Chicken! Again!!! 

Last week I found myself complaining - mostly to myself, but to others too  - that we were having chicken for the third time in a week. This at the time was a real feeling and changed my mood.

Now I know what you are all thinking, "chicken, three times in a week wow, wish I could. Can't afford it once a week." or "come on thats not a problem." your all right, its not. And it definitely shouldn't affect my mood.

A friend of mine was complaining this week that the only spread he had for his toast was jam and this wasn't on. I give these examples just to highlight how we can get so tied up with the smallest of things, "mountains out of molehills."

A friend of mine said once "the reason the bad days seem so bad is because you don't have many bad days any longer so when you do its magnified." The same applies to small issues in our days.

I was brought back to reality yesterday as a very close and dear friend who lives about 100 miles away sent me some photos from the funeral of her still born daughter, Angel. As my heart was breaking for her it made me think back to when she told me Angel had died.

She never complained, asked why me? Or wallowed in self pity. She was heart broken, mourning and in pain, but not complaining. I started to think about the years that I have known her and in all that time I have never known her to complain about anything really, she has always been a joy to be around even when life really was hard for her and nothing was going right, she always had a sense of humour. I have never known anyone to be knocked down so many times and just get back up and shrug it off and get on with it.

This made me consider myself and how much complaining I do, there always seems to be something, but the truth is I have a great life with very small and infrequent problems. I feel ashamed and humbled.

R.I.P Angel X

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