"Working together to end homelessness"

Emmaus is an international charity with a mandate to fight poverty and injustice in all its forms.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Life's Little Roller Coaster.

For years I used to have a recurring dream of being on a little wooden roller coaster that used to go through dark tunnels and up and down, it used to remind me of a rickety old mine cart out of a kids movie. It was always a pleasant dream, but I never understood it.

Four years ago I moved to Great Yarmouth in Norfolk, I went to the pleasure beach one day, and there was my little roller coaster. I realised then that I was dreaming about good childhood memories - which were few and far between -  of holidays with my aunt in Yarmouth. From that point on I have never had the dream again.

All of this has very little to do with this blog, I just thought it was an interesting side story to life's little wooden roller coaster. For the last few months I have been suffering with bad pain in my feet, due to this walking has become very difficult and very painful.

As I was hobbling along yesterday I was thinking to myself, "I'm never going to walk properly again" not a happy thought. Then I get up this morning and I'm almost pain free and can walk normally again!

No, I don't think this is a miracle, but I am thankful for the relief. More than that though it reminds me that we just never know what any given day is going to bring our way. We make plans and think we have all the answers and things are this way or that, but really we have no idea what one day or another is going to bring our way. A few months back a day brought me pain, yesterday brought me resignation to a situation and today has brought relief.

So many times in life we get lost in the midst of our situations and blinded to anything else. But we really have no idea whats round the next bend on the track or how its going to change our situation. Life twists and turns, full of ups and downs and really sometimes all we can do is just hold on tight and go with the ride knowing it will change.

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