"Working together to end homelessness"

Emmaus is an international charity with a mandate to fight poverty and injustice in all its forms.

Monday 12 December 2016

We need you!

Its winter again and our favourite Christmas gift is here, care for the homeless is here once again, but remember the homeless are only for Christmas not the rest of the year.

A very cynical view, and most years it would be one that I would happily adopt. Not so much this year though. Homelessness and housing has been a hot political potatoe this year with a lot of activism surrounding it.

Although real political action to change the situation has still to happy I feel at least it is or has been on the political agenda in a real way, and there have been discussions on a political level around homeless support agencies and a widened understanding of what they can actually do.

Emmaus Sheffield being one of these agencies having received an unusual amount of attention this year by our local MP's who have all been very supportive of us and others in the field.

At this time of year it is hard to miss homeless agencies reaching out to the public for financial support, it feels like everyone has their hand out looking for you to help.

This is not a position that you will find Emmaus Sheffield taking, we do need your help and we do need your money to provide the accommodation, employment, training and support that we other to the guys that are part of our community. What we ask of you is you come and shop with us.

We at Emmaus Superstore Sheffield will happily take your cash from you, but in exchange you will leave with a great bargain. We have all of your Christmas needs covered - if you can think of it, the chances are we have it. - along with all your major house hold items, including, furniture, white goods , books, music, films, clothing, toys  and everything inbetween.

So this Christmas, let us all gain something from helping the homeless, drop in, spend a few quid and take away a treat.

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