"Working together to end homelessness"

Emmaus is an international charity with a mandate to fight poverty and injustice in all its forms.

Monday 9 January 2017

‘Working to live and give’.

Emmaus Sheffield wishes all our friends and supporters all the best for the year ahead. We also offer a warm welcome to those that dont know us so well.

As we reflect on last year one of the areas we have been looking at is the number of first time customers we had and the number of people who follow and support us through social media.

Jan - Dec 2016 saw us receive 3937 first time customers, we engaged with around 100.000 people on social media with over 5000 people following us on a daily basis. Our online sales attracted 1034 sales with 87% being new customers and finally this blog has been viewed over 5000 times.

Why mention all this, well its in a way of apology to all those that know us well and to explain why this post is going to explain who and what we are here at Emmaus Sheffield for the benefit of all those that may not understand Emmaus as a charity.

Emmaus Sheffield shares its tag line with the other Emmaus' in the UK "Working together to end homelessness." We think of ourselves as a homeless charity, but with a difference, well a number of differences. I borrowed the following statement partly from another Emmaus and added to it as a concise definition of what we aim for at Emmaus Sheffield;

"Motivate, lead and empower people who have an experience of homelessness to be the agents of their own recovery, while embedding our values which include ‘working to live and give’.- Emmaus Norwich - Whilst providing safe accommodation without working to set time scales."

So in plain English what does this actually mean? Emmaus Sheffield provides accommodation, employment, support, training, food board and opportunities to 18 people with an experience of homelessness in exchange for 37 hours work per week in one of our social enterprises.

There is no minimum or maximum length of stay. Our service users known as companions stop claiming government benefits except for housing benefit - which is available to anyone working on a low income. - Instead they receive a minimal weekly financial allowance in addition to the services mentioned above.

The central ethos of Emmaus is not what can you do for me but instead what can I do for you. Companions work is in exchange for the services they receive. Emmaus also believes that there is always someone worst off than yourself and as a community Emmaus Sheffield is in a position to help others in need in local, national and international society.

Companions are encouraged to see that life is more rewarding when we contribute to it. And that the social security culture offers no long term benefits. That by giving and using their skills and life experiences over a period of time in the right environment builds confidence, self worth and value and helps to encourage a desire to be fully involved in there own personal development with the end goal of being a production member of society.

This, of course is a very brief and concise explanation of Emmaus Sheffield, so please if you wish to find out more visit our website or pop into the shop Emmaus Superstore Sheffield where someone will be more than happy to have a chat, and remember have a great 2017.

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